A friend got me thinking this morning. She said "if we don't have room in our lives for the space, it can stifle spontaneity". I thought of all the times that I am just too busy and too stressed to do anything fun or to be creative. I love to fiddle with decorating and scrap-booking and many other creative endeavors, but the less "margin" that I have, the less I have time to do those things and the more annoyed I get at others' ability to play, enjoy life, or even rest. After all, I have so much work to do ... they should be working as hard as me (poor me!); right?? Then, my load begins to feel very heavy and I feel very alone.
And then I realized that our God is creative. Everything He does is creative. And everything He does, He does from a place of rest ... a place of peace. And He tells us that if we keep our focus on Him, trusting in Him, He will keep us in Perfect Peace! (Isaiah 26:3) God doesn't "work" or "perform" or even "create" from a place of pressure and stress, and we can't either.
Stress truly does immobilize us. Rest releases us to move forward. Anxiety comes when we are looking at and trusting in the circumstances. Rest comes when we look up and trust in the Lord. Have you ever heard anyone say, "I'm doing o.k. under the circumstances"? The next time you do, be sure to ask them what they are doing "under" there? I know that's old and you've probably heard it many times, but it bears a (long) second thought! God tells us to "look up" ... to where our help comes from ... to Him!
Maybe that's why my husband, having had his busy life "interrupted" by the Lord, is able to move from optimism to joy. His focus and his trust is totally on the Lord. He is not able to do anything other than rest. In fact, after being up several times and many hours during the night receiving much insight and revelation from the Lord (and waking me up too much), he's now snoozing in bed beside me!
So that's my goal for today. To focus on Him, trust in Him, and rest in Him!
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